Audit reporting: The 4 types of audit opinions & reports

audit report examples

AA candidates should be able to discuss what should be included in the KAM section to ensure the auditor’s report is compliant with ISA 701. Before the audit, management provides financial information to the audit committee. During the annual audit, the auditor has to review the processes and procedures that the company used to prepare the financial information. After the audit, the auditors prepare the audit reports, including checking to see whether the company uses GAAP or other applicable reporting frameworks.

Near Miss Frequency Rate (NMFR)

audit report examples

A poorly written audit report can have several significant and potentially severe consequences including penalties and fines, litigation risk, financial losses, operational disruptions, reputational damage, and impacts to patient safety. By miscommunicating audit results, stakeholders may miss operational deficiencies, data integrity risks, and potential patient safety and care quality issues. The illustrations include a financial statement audit report for a state or local government and a not-for-profit organization where the audit is being performed under both the AICPA generally accepted auditing standards and Government Auditing Standards. audit report examples Additionally, the illustrations include various examples of the reports issued to meet the reporting requirements of Government Auditing Standards for internal control over financial reporting and compliance and other matters. Hence, you have to focus on the requirements and needs of your operations so you can come up with a relevant internal audit report that is suitable with your management style, operational strategies, and overall business activities. Over and above the reporting requirements under ISA 570, candidates need to understand how issues identified regarding going concern interact with the requirements of ISA 701.

Adverse audit report

Be clear with the discussion that you will include or present in the internal audit report. Do not be vague with your specifications as it can only lead to misunderstandings or the presence of misleading information. Be precise with all the things that you will include in the document so you can make sure that the overall content of the internal audit report is understandable.

Professional conduct and complaints

Among the four types of audit report, unqualified audit report is the report that auditors usually issue most of the time. This is due to unqualified audit report is only the report that expresses there is no problem with financial statements (no material misstatement). It will be best if you will put your hands on the previous internal audit reports used by the business.

audit report examples

Elevate your audit programs with OpsAudit and start saving your organization time and overhead today. An audit report structure should include a title page, table of contents, and executive summary. The introduction should explain the audit objectives, description of the scope, and methodology used to conduct the audit. This section of the report establishes what the audit was about, why the audit risk areas mattered to management, and what the team included as part of the audit.


Use templates when formatting the internal audit report that you are making so you can ensure that the details of the document are well-presented. You have to make the document look as polished as possible so that you can present it accordingly especially to the higher management. The internal auditors that will be trained and tasked to execute internal auditing has nothing to do with the effectiveness and efficiency of the current conditions of the business as well as the execution of corporate activities.

​Writing an Impactful Audit Report: 6 Tips for Being More Persuasive

  • Avoid soft and indirect statements when making recommendations and opt for solid recommendations and calls to action instead.
  • The Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) measures all recordable incidents, including those that result in injuries or illnesses requiring medical treatment beyond first aid.
  • It includes specifically designed areas where you can share your core values, portfolio, customer testimonials, project overview and proposed workflow.
  • A quality audit report that is written with the audience in mind, and that takes a human-centered approach produces more value for readers and motivates stakeholder action.
  • A common reason for auditors issuing a qualified opinion is that the company didn’t present its records with GAAP.

When do auditors prepare their reports?

Internal Quality Audit Report Template

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