Benefits of Conversational AI in Government

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Secure and Compliant AI for Governments

Much recent progress in AI has stemmed from harnessing huge amounts of computational power to train a handful of systems. One analysis finds that the computing power (compute) employed to develop noteworthy AI systems has increased by 4.2 times every year. Today’s most capable AI systems use nearly 2 million times the computational power used 10 years ago. Concurrently, the AI industry has moved toward more general models, capable of engaging in a wide range of tasks.

Such actions include addressing risks arising from concentrated control of key inputs, taking steps to stop unlawful collusion and prevent dominant firms from disadvantaging competitors, and working to provide new opportunities for small businesses and entrepreneurs. (g)  It is important to manage the risks from the Federal Government’s own use of AI and increase its internal capacity to regulate, govern, and support responsible use of AI to deliver better results for Americans. Many of the challenges ahead stem from the development and deployment of the most capable and generally capable models.

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While it may seem shocking that attackers would have access to the model, there are a number of common scenarios in which this would occur routinely. The model itself is just a digital file living on a computer, no different from an image or document, and therefore can be stolen like any other file on a computer. Because models are not always seen as highly sensitive assets, the systems holding these models may not have high levels of cybersecurity protection. History has shown that when software capabilities are commoditized, as they are becoming with AI systems, they are often not handled or invoked carefully in a security sense, as demonstrated by the prevalence of default root passwords. If this history is any indication, the systems holding these models will suffer from similar weaknesses that can lead to the model being easily stolen. The report further suggests regulators should mandate compliance in portions of both the public and private sectors.

How AI can be used in government?

The federal government is leveraging AI to better serve the public across a wide array of use cases, including in healthcare, transportation, the environment, and benefits delivery. The federal government is also establishing strong guardrails to ensure its use of AI keeps people safe and doesn't violate their rights.

As AI continues to advance, there’s a fine line for legislators to protect the people without stifling innovation. The jury is out on whether these guiding principles from the president will achieve this balance. The problem with scientific data today is that most of it gets generated and may not be helpful or easy to find. In effect, to find data, you have to know where the data is – which repository is run by which organization, what variables are in it, and what’s the structure – to be able to query it. And if you need to bring multiple data together across various data domains and silos, it’s either impossible or would take a very long time. Then, once you’ve worked on and tested your prompts to get them working the way you want, you can start automating mundane tasks such as translating documents into JSON files.

Guidance on building and using AI in the public sector

The publication then provides a resource on using AI ethically and safely, co-developed with the Turing institute, before providing a series of case studies on how AI is being applied in the public sector, from satellite images being used to estimate populations to using AI to compare prison reports. Therefore, instead of comprehensive guidance principles being outlined, which is more characteristic of the US approach, the UK guidance acts as a resource bank. While AI frontier development is a fast-evolving field, where best practices are yet to emerge and coalesce, there are concrete actions developers of frontier models could take to respond to these challenges and behave more responsibly, many of which are described in detail in the white paper referenced above. Companies should begin to adopt these standards proactively, though government intervention will ultimately be necessary for their effective implementation (more on that issue in the next section).

For government organizations, understanding the role of AI in government is crucial for staying up-to-date on the latest technological advancements and their potential impact on efficiency and productivity. Artificial Intelligence brings a host of challenges to how we will live our lives on the internet and protect our data, particularly in terms of regulation. As we stand on the precipice of a new era of AI, the role of governments in overseeing and regulating this powerful technology is more critical than ever. Public-use technologies demand a higher level of accountability and compliance with regulations than technologies developed by the private sector. Similarly, in the United States, government organizations and insurance companies use an AI tool to identify any changes in infrastructure or property.

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You can contribute code or issues, discover documentation, and get started with AI security with our Apache 2.0 licensed Open Source projects. We were named one of the best early stage companies of 2023 in Fortune’s annual list of 60 best cyber companies. Get the global picture of the current fraud landscape drawn from our cross-industry work across all regions over the last year. With the most insightful data, opinion and analysis from our world-renowned fraud experts, and tips to help you stay ahead of the fraudsters in 2024, the Veriff Fraud Report 2024 is a must read.

GPAI is a voluntary, multi-stakeholder initiative launched in June 2020 for the advancement of AI in a manner consistent with democratic values and human rights. GPAI’s mandate is focused on project-oriented collaboration, which it supports through working groups looking at responsible AI, data governance, the future of work, and commercialization and innovation. As a founding member, the United States has played a critical role in guiding GPAI and ensuring it complements the work of the OECD. With care, transparency, and responsible leadership, conversational AI can unlock a brighter future where high-quality public services are profoundly more accessible, inclusive, and personalized for all. Redmond claims it has developed an architecture that enables government customers “to securely access the large language models in the commercial environment from Azure Government.” Access is made via REST APIs, a Python SDK, or Azure AI Studio, all without exposing government data to the public internet – or so says Microsoft.

Azure Government applies extra protections and communication capabilities to limit its exposed surface area. All Azure traffic within or between regions is encrypted using AES-128 block cipher and remains within the Microsoft global network backbone without entering the public internet. “We confirmed a generative AI reference architecture pattern related to model selection and model assessment, and established a playbook with the understanding of roles, costs, and AWS services to successfully implement a generative AI project in AWS,” said Kevin Chin, director of generative AI at Leidos. “By promoting accountability, data privacy, equitable solutions, and human review, we help our customers identify valuable use cases for generative AI and strike the right balance between human and AI,” said Gretchen Peri, managing director of Americas Public and Social Impact Industry at Slalom.

An analogous example from the traditional cybersecurity domain can illustrate this example. This example also demonstrates the outcomes of these AI suitability tests need not be binary. They can, for example, suggest a target level of AI reliance on the spectrum between full autonomy and full human control. This can allow for technological development while not leaving an application vulnerable to a potentially compromised monoculture. The DoD has been vocal about adopting this strategy in its development of AI-enabled systems, albeit for additional reasons.

It is not certain that these problems could have been fully prevented through better planning and regulation. However, it is certain that it would have been easier to prevent them than it is to solve them now. China’s detention and “re-education” of Uighur Muslims in the Xinjiang region serves as a case study for how AI “attacks” could be used to protect against regime-sponsored human rights abuses.

Secure cloud fabric: Enhancing data management and AI development for the federal government – CIO

Secure cloud fabric: Enhancing data management and AI development for the federal government.

Posted: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Connected infrastructure has led to attacks with hundreds of millions of dollars of economic loss. The warning signs of AI attacks may be written in bytes, but we can see them and what they portend. Regardless of the methods used, once a system operator is aware that an intrusion has occurred that may compromise the system or that an attack is being formulated, the operator must immediately switch into mitigation mode.

However, as AI matures and public accessibility increases, this trend will change over the next few years. A major reason for using AI in government processes is that it can free up millions of labor hours. This can allow government workers to focus on more important tasks and result in the government being able to provide services to the public faster.

Secure and Compliant AI for Governments

Similarly, the EU’s forthcoming AI Act will introduce conformity assessments and quality management systems for high-risk AI systems. Also, enterprises that develop AI models that could pose significant risks to critical infrastructure sectors will also have to comply with federal regulations by the appropriate federal agency or regulator. Conversational AI’s integration into public sector operations and service delivery unlocks 24/7 accessibility, improves efficiency, and generates data-driven insights. As this technology advances, governments must leverage it to provide more responsive and proactive programs for citizens and employees. This new initiative arrives at a time when government agencies, organizations of all sizes, and security practitioners are trying to get their arms around the potential benefits and drawbacks of AI usage. Last month, CISA, in collaboration with the UK’s National Cyber Security Center, released guidelines for secure AI system development, design, deployment, and operation, and other organizations also have developed guidelines in this area.

The Secretary shall do this work solely for the purposes of guarding against these threats, and shall also develop model guardrails that reduce such risks. The Secretary shall, as appropriate, consult with private AI laboratories, academia, civil society, and third-party evaluators, and shall use existing solutions. (f)  Americans’ privacy and civil liberties must be protected as AI continues advancing. Artificial Intelligence is making it easier to extract, re-identify, link, infer, and act on sensitive information about people’s identities, locations, habits, and desires. Artificial Intelligence’s capabilities in these areas can increase the risk that personal data could be exploited and exposed. To combat this risk, the Federal Government will ensure that the collection, use, and retention of data is lawful, is secure, and mitigates privacy and confidentiality risks.

However, from a more practical standpoint, the Department of Health and Human Services is now tasked with developing a safety program. The aim is to address unhealthly received reports of — and act to remedy – harm or unsafe healthcare practices involving AI. Our self-hosted and cloud offerings provide integrated team messaging, audio and screen share, workflow automation and project management on an open source platform vetted and deployed by the world’s most secure and mission critical organizations. We co-build the future of collaboration with over 4,000 open source project contributors who’ve provided over 30,000 code improvements towards our shared product vision, which is translated into 20 languages. The EO directs the following actions to protect individuals from the potential risks of AI systems. Conversational AI is a sophisticated form of artificial intelligence designed to enable seamless interaction between humans and computers through voice or text.

Secure and Compliant AI for Governments

My Administration places the highest urgency on governing the development and use of AI safely and responsibly, and is therefore advancing a coordinated, Federal Government-wide approach to doing so. The rapid speed at which AI capabilities are advancing compels the United States to lead in this moment for the sake of our security, economy, and society. You can change your settings at any time, including withdrawing your consent, by using the toggles on the Cookie Policy, or by clicking on the manage consent button at the bottom of the screen.

Secure and Compliant AI for Governments

Why is artificial intelligence important in government?

By harnessing the power of AI, government agencies can gain valuable insights from vast amounts of data, helping them make informed and evidence-based decisions. AI-driven data analysis allows government officials to analyze complex data sets quickly and efficiently.

How can AI improve the economy?

AI has redefined aspects of economics and finance, enabling complete information, reduced margins of error and better market outcome predictions. In economics, price is often set based on aggregate demand and supply. However, AI systems can enable specific individual prices based on different price elasticities.

Which federal agencies are using AI?

NASA, the Commerce Department, the Energy Department and the Department of Health and Human Services topped the charts with the most AI use cases. Roat said those agencies have been leaders in advancing AI in government for years — and will continue to set the course of adopting this technology.

What is AI in governance?

AI governance is the ability to direct, manage and monitor the AI activities of an organization. This practice includes processes that trace and document the origin of data, models and associated metadata and pipelines for audits.

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